Hide Elements doesen't hide ItemType Metadata on public page

I’ve just found a problem on my Omeka install (Omeka v2.4.1 + HideElements v1.3).
I cannot hide Item Type Metadata element on public interface. Marking selected element to be hidden for public view doesn’t change anything on the public page. The element is still visible.
Hiding for admin interface works ok.
Hiding for DublinCore metadata works ok too (also for public page).

I checked it also with Omeka 2.3.1 + HideElements 1.3 and everything works fine. However there is a second problem with displaying on the public interface. When I hide a field like DC Description for the public page, it is indeed hidden on the items/show page but it still is visible on the items/browse page. Is this intentional or a bug?

Did anybody else noticed this problem?

Second issue I noticed with the HideElements plugin v1.3 is, that it is able

Hide Elements generally only hides elements from the “full” metadata output. Anywhere in the theme that specifically calls for an element to be printed by itself (like Description on the browse page) isn’t affected by the plugin, by design.

I’m not immediately able to reproduce your problem with hiding Item Type Metadata on the public side: it seemed to work fine. Is there some other setting difference between your 2.4.1 and 2.3.1 sites that could explain the difference?

I found the culprit. It has nothing to do with Omeka version. I’ve just wanted the Item Type metadata header to be more pretty, and display only the item type name. In example: having Item Type ‘Sound’, the item type metadata group header is ‘Sound Item Type metadata’ and I wanted to display only ‘Sound’.
This is more important in different languages, where the item type names are in local language and the header contains the ‘…Item Type metadata’ ending, which is not translated. It looks bad to me.

So I modified the application/views/helpers/AllElementTexts.php file a bit in line 176, changing from:

$itemTypeElementSetName = $this->_record->getProperty('item_type_name') . ' ' . ElementSet::ITEM_TYPE_NAME;


$itemTypeElementSetName = $this->_record->getProperty('item_type_name');

Everything was ok, but the HideElements plugin stopped hiding elements on public site.

So the good thing is that I found a solution, but the bad thing is that I still have the ‘ugly’ headers for item type metadata.
Is it possible to make both the things working for me?

I’ll try to do some poking around to see if you can keep both things working as you want. The handling of Item Type Metadata in the “all metadata” display is a little weird, and so Hide Elements’ implementation has to be weird also to account for it.

That’s great! It would be nice to have such possibility.
The item type metadata headers seemed always weired to me, especially having long custom type names.