Error uploading files after upgrading to 2.6.1


I’ve upgraded my Omeka to version 2.6.1 this morning, and since nobody is capable of attaching any file to existing and new Items.

The error message is

Failed to execute command: '/usr/bin/convert' '/tmp/d3bc4aefa754078f862120455b5f657a.odt[0]' -auto-orient -background white +repage -flatten -thumbnail '800x800>' '/tmp/fullsize_d3bc4aefa754078f862120455b5f657a.jpg'.

Any hint?


That’s indicating there’s a problem with running ImageMagick to create thumbnails.

What version of ImageMagick do you have installed (you can run convert -version in an SSH session to find out).

Hello John.

I don’t think I can use SSH on the shared webspace I’m working with; is there any other way?

In the meantime, I’ve checked the errors log, and this is what I’ve found:

Thu, 10 May 2018 20:05:03 GMT [error] [client] - - AH01215: PHP Warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /web/htdocs/ on line 23: /web/htdocs/, referer

Thu, 10 May 2018 20:05:03 GMT [error] [client] - - AH01215: sh: file: command not found: /web/htdocs/, referer

Thu, 10 May 2018 20:05:03 GMT [error] [client] - - AH01215: PHP Warning: proc_open() has been disabled for security reasons in /web/htdocs/ on line 202: /web/htdocs/, referer

It doesn’t look too promising… is it because of some changes of the new Omeka version? In which case, is it fixable, or should I downgrade to previous working version?


Mmm, okay. Your host just disallows execution of commands (by at least two methods, and likely all…)

That doesn’t have anything to do with anything that changed in Omeka 2.6.1. Perhaps you had a customization in application/config/config.ini that you forgot about and overwrote during the upgrade? Like using the “Imagick” or “GD” derivative strategies?

Thank you, John: I’ve tried changing to Imagick, and now it works again.

You’re probably right, and I must have forgotten about theconfig.ini when upgrading. Considering the amount of little fine-tunings going on with every repository, I think any system that could warn you when updating files that have been changed after the previous installation could be really useful (otherwise, I suppose a list of those files could work too).

Anyway, thanks again.