Encyclopedia with Omeka

Hi Dear, I would like to know if it is possible to create an Encyclopedia or Glossary with Omeka. May be a Plugin?
Thank you

You could certainly create a Glossary or Encyclopedia with Omeka. You could create custom item types for either kind of entry. There are also instances where people have created a glossary for their Omeka sites using a simple page.

Great Megan! And I suppose I should create a collection or an exhibit for those items?. Do you know any project so I could see how is it organized?
Thank you ver much!

The organization is up to you. Whether you want to use a collection or exhibit would depend on the overall goal of the site.

I can’t think of any specific instances of glossaries - I have seen a large number of Omeka sites - but if I remember one I will post here.

Hi Silverio, at the University of Lincoln we’re working at a solution that doesn’t require a plugin. It’s current under development and it will be integrated around mid-February. A technical note will be posted on this forum, but feel free to email me at apesaro@lincoln.ac.uk if you need preliminary info.

Best, Alex

Thank you Alex. I will be alert to your post.
Best, Silverio

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