Easy install problems

today I install easy install and I have these error

Call to undefined function EasyInstall\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\curl_init()

The module requires the php extension curl currently (see you system info in the bottom of the admin board).

I published a new release that doesn’t require anything.

Version 3.2.4 as well? I saw a newer 3.2.5 version. Also, I am using a WAMP installation…will it work with that one?

Have you the same issue?

It took the site down completely. I 'm looking through the logs now. It shows the general error “Omeka S encountered an error” so I 'm looking into it. I backed up the VM so I make a correction and try it again. Thanks for your timely response! I’m impressed.

Sometime I have some time to read issues. I don’t know if it works on Windows. You can enable the log for more infos : https://omeka.org/s/docs/user-manual/errorLogging/ .

After enabling development log changes, rebooting clean image, and restart your install worked flawlessly! Thank you for following up.