CSV Import: Trouble Loading CSV


I am having trouble with a CSV file I wish to import. I save a UTF-8 copy off the original .xlsx which retains the correct date formatting unless I open the CSV. I have tried uploading it without opening it first; however, I receive the following error: “The rows are not all the same number of columns.” This error is easily resolved by opening the CSV in Excel but then the date formats are lost. I am using semi-colons as the delimiter.

I know there is a way around this I just can’t recall what I did previously. Any advice would be appreciated.

What are you using to open the CSV as mentioned in your second sentence? Do you have a copy/sample of this file I could look at? Windows/Mac/Linux?

Thanks for the reply. I have opened it both in Excel (which changes the formatting) but also in Notepad (prior to opening the CSV for the first time) and I can see there the dates are formatted correctly. What’s the best way to send you a sample? Windows.

I can take email (trip.kirkpatrick@yale.edu), or you can post it on Dropbox or your preferred fileshare. There’s also a file upload here in the forums, if the file’s not a giant.


The .xlsx file was downloaded from Google Docs which may have created a column of blank content on one side. Deleting this in the .xlsx and saving to CSV seemed to clear up this issue (right click > delete seemed to work better than simply using the delete key to clear the column data). Additionally, saving as “CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv)” in Excel seemed to consistently work better than saving as a UTF-8 CSV. This CSV was then opened in NotePad and re-saved using UTF-8 encoding. It was not opened in Excel prior to importing in Omeka, as this would have changed the date formatting.

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Hola! ¿cómo notaste que el archivo .xslx tenía columnas añadidas?. Yo me encuentro trabajando de manera local en mi computadora con archivo .xlsx, pero al momento de hacer la importación sigo obteniendo “Las filas no tienen el mismo número de columnas” .
Muchas gracias por la ayuda


El archivo .xlsx fue descargado de Google Docs que puede haber creado una columna de contenido en blanco en un lado. Eliminar esto en el . xlsx y guardar en CSV parecía aclarar este problema (clic derecho > borrar parecía funcionar mejor que simplemente usar la tecla borrar para borrar los datos de la columna). Además, guardar como “CSV (delimitado por comas) (*.csv)” en Excel parecía funcionar mejor que guardar como un CSV UTF-8. Este CSV se abrió en NotePad y se volvió a guardar con codificación UTF-8. No se abrió en Excel antes de importar en Omeka, ya que esto habría cambiado el formato de la fecha.

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