Contribution Types and issue with display

I’ve encountered a strange error when using the Contribution plugin. I’m not sure if it’s related to the plugin or something more central to Omeka…

In the attached you can see there are multiple options for the same metadata field when setting up contributions in the admin setup. Furthermore, when users access the contribution on the public side, when they select a dropdown to contribute an item, the page doesn’t populate with the input fields. At first I thought this was from one of the two identical metadata fields being selected. However sometimes metadata fields that only have one option also break the interface.

Things I have tried:

  • uninstalling the Contribution plugin
  • removing completely the plugin

Still the issue persists. I’m wondering if there’s some strange database issues going on and I don’t know how to resolve it without completely redoing the site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Do you have additional element sets in your installation (Zotero, PBCore, etc)? What other plugins, besides the Contribution suite, do you have installed?

At the time I was setting this up the person I’m working with was changing some undetermined plugins, including DC Extended. I’ve since uninstalled this plugin, but the duplicates and functionality issues remain.

Have you double-checked that the element sets are also gone from your settings?

If you have an active link for the public contribution form you could share, that might help us investigate the issue.

an example of the contribution issue is here:

There is VRA enabled, but no other plugin that touches the metadata.

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