Cannot upload file via api

Hallo everyone. i want upload file with API and i tried it with postman, but i get message “Could not get any response”. how i can fix it?thank you very much, please help master.

Do you get any more detailed response or message? What HTTP status code is returned, if any? Can you successfully upload the same file through the regular interface?

Current file upload was successful. but how to set the mime type to be able to upload multiple file types ?

I’m not sure what you mean by your question. The API only provides an endpoint for uploading one file at a time. Is what you need covered by the relevant part of the API documentation?

I am Sorry jflatnes confusing you. I mean when i upload file via API i just can upload image. I cant upload other file. How can i fix it? And how to change storage url?especially if storage directory in other server. Thank you very much for your response

I don’t believe there are any restrictions on mimetypes accepted by the API that differ from what’s accepted anywhere else. Maybe it’s not the different type that’s the problem, but something else? (Perhaps the file is too large for your current PHP settings, for example)

here is the example that i cant upload other file type. how i can set it?

The same MIME type restrictions apply to the API as apply to regular uploads through the normal interface.

You’d have to add the MIME type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation to the list of allowed types in the Settings -> Security page.

ooh oke thank you. would you check my other issue please Destination directory is not writable ?