Batch Uploader Mappings error

When we click on the Mappings tab under Batch Upload, the following error appears across the top of the screen:
Declaration of BatchUpload_MappingSetsController::_redirectAfterEdit() should be compatible with Omeka_Controller_AbstractActionController::_redirectAfterEdit($record

We do have mappings and can edit and work with them so they seem to be working fine. I looked at BatchUpload/controllers/MappingSetsController.php but I still don’t understand what the error means.

Has anyone seen this before?


That’s a “strict standards” warning from PHP; it doesn’t actually indicate anything is broken per se, it’s just warning about an issue with the code. In this case, it’s that the signature (the method name and arguments) of a method in the BatchUpload plugin doesn’t agree with the signature of a method in the Omeka core that it’s overriding.

If you turn off error display in your .htaccess you won’t see the error… the problem can and should be fixed in the BatchUpload plugin as well… to that end you could report the issue to the plugin’s issue tracker.

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