AdvancedSearch - don't display thumbnails and customisations

Is there a way to set the display of the thumbnail in a search result for the AdvancedSearch module? The module seems to take for granted that the user has and wants thumbnails, in both list or grid view. How can the search results table be customised? Is there a override-styling file which can be put in place and which can survive further module updates?

Also, how can I edit other ways results are shown (e.g. putting the author instead of the description below the title)? I see a browse_body_property_term in results-header-footer.phtml, where can I set it?

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It is not possible to customize the theme of the admin board, only the form and the facets and I didn’t work a lot on the default theme, since the designers work only on the public side. In public side, the page is themable. You just have to copy the template files from the view into your theme and adapt to your needs, like for any module.
But normally in admin, the thumbnails should be displayed and be all the same size, it should look like the browse page.

Indeed I was talking about the front-end, the screenshot is from the front-end indeed. OK, I’ll customise the template pages then, I thought it’d be useful, in general, to have an option ‘display thumbnails’. Also, Faceted Browse does indeed let you customise the results page / table in a nice way. It’d be nice if Advanced Search had something similar.

I have the same problem, how did you solve it?
I have made a website that collects open IIIF resources, so there is no actual upload of digital objects, but the thumbnail is uploaded in the item’s advanced, the other pages can see the uploaded thumbnail, but the faceted page of AdvancedSearch does not have thumbnail.

I have solved this problem, using the method provided by daniel_KM,

I just edited the css class and set its visibility to hidden, nice and easy :slight_smile: .

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