Adding Vocabulary Homosaurus

I’ve been trying to add the homosaurus LDV via the vocabularies section forever but I am just endlessly hitting my head on

No classes or properties found. Are you sure you used the correct namespace URI?

What I am I doing wrong? the vocabulary is and I’m using the nt file. I’ve tried a bunch of different prefixes and namespace URIs because the obvious do not seem to be working. Been at this for a few hours now, SOS :frowning:

(Value Suggest seems to use the older homosaurus, but value suggest itself it is not even appearing when I go to edit a resource template. I wanted to link items to homosaurus terms)

Thanks for the bug report. I’ve made a new release that includes the new Homosaurus endpoint. It’ll be published tomorrow morning, but you can download it now here.

thank you! I’m hoping to figure out why valuesuggest isn’t loading in the other thread :slight_smile: