Add Strategy for Derivative Files


I would like to add a new type of deravative file, in addition to “Fullsize”, “Thumbnail” and “Square Thumbnail”. For this it seems to me that I must add a new Strategy in application/libraries/Omeka/File/Derivative/Strategy. But how to create this new strategy without directly adding a new file in this folder ? I can not add a Strategy from a plugin that I can enable/disable ?

What I would like to do is allow the admin, from admin theme, to choose if he wants this new type of derivative file or not. How can I do that ?

Omeka really isn’t set up to allow this. The derivative types that get created and understood by the system are hardcoded in several different places, so there’s no good way to add to them.

We’ve had a few suggestions or contributions from developers trying to change this somewhat, but none of that is in Omeka itself at the moment.