"Activation email could not be sent" issue

Hi all,

We have to Omeka Classic all set up and ready to go but for some reason when I add a new user I get this, “The user “test” was added, but the activation email could not be sent.”, and obviously no activation email is sent. Resending activation email is not working either.

Can you please help me fix it?

I can manually add them by clicking the activate button on the "…users/edit/ " page.

I’m also a superuser on the website.

Many thanks,


Email issues usually end up at your server level: Omeka just uses PHP’s normal mail-sending function, which depends on the server having something set up to send out mail (Postfix is one common option but there are many). It’s generally not an “Omeka” problem per se, but a “is this server set up to send mail” problem.

You can also configure Omeka to send out mail directly through an SMTP server if you have one you’d like to use.

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